Cousins Family Law
Our philosophy
At Cousins Family Law we are committed to providing clients with compassionate and effective advice, representation and solutions in all aspects of Family Law. We operate in metropolitan Perth and in the Great Southern region (Albany, Denmark, Walpole, Mt Barker).
Over our many years of practice, with a diverse range of clients, our approach has always been based on building a strong rapport and level of trust with our clients. Knowing how disputes involving Family Law can generate high levels of stress, uncertainty and, even, fear, our top priority is always to alleviate and resolve our clients’ concerns.
At Cousins Family Law, our preference is to try to resolve a dispute through negotiation, collaboration or mediation, if at all possible. Ending up in front of the Family Court is time consuming and stressful, and often expensive. The current wait times for hearings can extend to years. So we believe that clients’ interests are normally best served by our collaborative approach.
Our team
Catherine is the Principal of Cousins Family Law. She has many years of specialisation in Family Law and Wills and Estate matters, both in Western Australia and interstate, having commenced practising in 2016.
She has a a Juris Doctor from Murdoch University and a Bachelor of Arts majoring in literature and economics (with distinction) from the University of Western Australia.
Catherine is a Collaboratively Trained Family Law practitioner, a member of the Family Law Practitioners of Western Australia and a member of the Law Society of Western Australia.

Family law
Property Settlement
Following the breakdown of a marriage or a de facto relationship, there needs to be an appropriate division of property, including superannuation, of the parties. This can be achieved through negotiated settlement, collaboration, mediation or, if needed, proceedings in the Family Court of Western Australia.
Children’s issues
Parenting arrangements for children include who they live with, where they live, and what time they spend with each parent. Our focus is on reaching an amicable agreement, where possible, by way of negotiation, always prioritising the best interests of the child. We offer advice on how to achieve an agreement, whether via Family Dispute Resolution, negotiations, mediation or, if necessary, initiating or responding to applications in the Family Court.
Consent Orders
Where an agreement has been reached between the parties, property or parenting Orders need to be prepared in order for the agreement to be given legal force. This can be either through an Application for Consent Orders filed in the Family Court; or if an agreement cannot be reached then we can make an application to the Family Court to move the matter toward a resolution.
Binding Financial Agreements
Binding Financial Agreements can be entered into before, during or after a marriage or de facto relationship. They detail by way of a written agreement how property is to be divided in the event of a breakdown of a marriage or de facto relationship.
What We Do?
Wills and Estates
It is vital that parties remember to change their Will at the ending of a relationship. This need not be expensive, but failing to do so can be!
Enduring Powers of Attorney and Guardianship
An Enduring Power of Attorney nominates a trusted person to act on your behalf when you no longer have the capacity to make decisions for yourself about financial matters. An Enduring Power of Guardianship nominates a trusted person to act on your behalf when you no longer have the capacity to make decisions regarding your own long-term care and welfare.

Contact us
Phone: 0412 767 803
We are happy to connect with you by Zoom or Microsoft Teams for your convenience. We understand that it is sometimes hard to make time for a face-to-face appointment in your busy schedule, especially if you work full time or live remotely.
30 minute fee free consultations available, please call 0412 767 803